
A man’s measure is his will

When Ali first came to Al-Kafaàt, he was only six or seven years old. A beautiful child with an angelic face, who could not easily communicate with others because of his cerebral palsy.

With the amazing support of his loving family, Ali easily integrated the Lily Shwayri Rehabilitation Center where special educators and therapists taught him how to type on a keyboard with the simple use of a specific head pointer mounted on a head gear.

But Ali had other plans.

He did not wish to use the head gear that was at times quite cumbersome and annoying to wear. Not to mention that using this gear required him to ask people around him to mount it over his head, making him fully dependent on his surrounding.

No, Ali had other plans.

On his own, and after having well identified the structure of the qwerty keyboard, he simply started using his nose to type on the keyboard. No head gear and no assistance. Fully independent and on his own.

“A man’s measure is his will”, said Imam Ali. And truly, our very own Ali teaches us a simple life lesson.

There is no power stronger than personal will. And there is no love greater than one’s family.

Thank you Ali for being all POTENTIAL.

Thank you Ali for showing us that we are all, indeed, KAFAAT.